

Vehicle leasing

The ScanEx Enterprises Limited fleet has a huge range of vehicles. With more than 350 available for lease, the choice and our service will surely satisfy the most demanding customer.

Freight forwarding

With us, your freight will go by the most convenient and cost-effective routes. Our knowledge and experience guarantee its speedy, secure and efficient delivery.

Heavy equipment leasing

The ScanEx inventory, including forklifts, cranes and trucks, is available on short and long term leases, to meet your every requirement.

Vehicle leasing

The ScanEx Enterprises Limited fleet has a huge range of vehicles. With more than 350 available for lease, the choice and our service will surely satisfy the most demanding customer.

About us

ScanEX Enterprises Limited is among the most progressive transport and logistics companies in Azerbaijan and Georgia. With long experience of the sector we offer customers an extensive range of services that include international freight, consolidation, transportation expedition, freight forwarding, customs clearance and vehicle and heavy equipment leasing. Strongly customer-oriented, we offer the most flexible and effective solutions. A fleet of company and partner-owned vehicles, experienced staff, an effective logistics network and an extensive list of international partners all support our guarantee of highest quality services. Thus the trust shown in us by other key local and international companies.

Vehicle leasing

ScanEx has a long presence as lessors of high quality vehicles. Our fleet of more than 350 vehicles, ranging from small saloons to minibuses, as well as SUVs, will surely meet the requirements of the most demanding customer in a process that is quick, reliable and convenient. Our vehicles are covered by compulsory and CASCO comprehensive liability insurance. All are fitted with a GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking system and traffic operations are supervised 24/7. They are fully equipped to BP standards. Our superior service ensures a stress-free leasing experience tailored to the customer’s individual requirements. ScanEx has made a name as a reliable brand inspiring customer loyalty, and is committed to exceptional service and true customer comfort. Our years of leasing experience are at your service. It‘s always a pleasure to work with professionals!


Fleet under management



Freight forwarding

ScanEx will transport your cargo by the most convenient and cost-effective routes possible, offering freight forwarding services for all forms of transport. We have long experience in transporting all kinds of cargo, whether commercial, industrial or high value. Our customers receive detailed reports on their shipment’s location, all the necessary accountancy documents, payment receipts and a number of other services. Our staff will take your order promptly and ensure shipping in the shortest time. Our experience in the freight market and detailed organization by a highly qualified staff guarantee secure and efficient cargo transportation of any complexity, with delivery schedules achieved, and cargo tracked at all stages of its journey. Our purpose is to resolve all issues in the carriage of our customer’s cargo, ensuring its maximum security. ScanEx’s fully professional staff have the knowledge and experience to guarantee secure, speedy delivery of your cargo.

A route to suit you



If speed is key, the sky’s the way. Goods in, or goods out; we’ll ensure they arrive safe and sound.



Neighbouring the world’s largest lake, we know all about container shipping by boat. We have the contacts and expertise to get your goods home and dry.



Azerbaijan’s rapidly developing rail routes, North - South and East-West, connect countries and continents, cutting directly across the country with heavier loads in wagons or containers.



Hit the road for shorter or more flexible freight carriage. Our service and the massively-improved local infrastructure ensure safe and secure delivery.

International freight


Our customs tracking services will keep you fully informed at every step of your cargo’s way. All forms of international transport have their pros and cons. But they all have borders to cross, where the cargo they carry must clear customs. The speed and final cost of freight delivery can depend on the completion and clearance of extensive documentation. ScanEX customers benefit from our extensive experience and expertise in customs clearance, as well as our preparation of documentation for any permits or certificates required.


As a facilitator of international transport and logistics, ScanEx provides a comprehensive freight forwarding service at ports, [all ports and airports in Azerbaijan] as listed in our contracts. We prepare documentation for export or import and customs clearance of goods, delivery, unloading and loading cargo at the port, to ensure compliance with secure and efficient loading, storage and transportation, timely delivery to the customer, as well as  intra-port expedition. We establish clear lines of communication for effective execution of process.

Heavy equipment leasing

ScanEx is a long-established lessor of heavy machinery in the Azerbaijani market, offering both short and long-term leases for heavy equipment as well as set-up in the customer’s workplace. Our inventory includes forklifts, cranes, trucks and other heavy vehicles and equipment and all are under strict schedules of inspection and maintenance. A problem-free lease of heavy equipment from ScanEx saves time and money!

90 +

Fleet under management

25 +


Our Clients

Latest News

Aug 20

Etibarlı yol yoldaşınız – ScanEX!👍 Biz yüklərin daşınması, gömrük rəsmiləşdirilməsi, yüklərin saxlanması, daşınmasının optimallaşdırılması xidmətlərini təklif edirik. 🚛Logistikaya daxildir: 🚛Gömrük rəsmiləşdirilməsi 🚛Yönləndirmə 🚛Hüquq xidmətləri 🚛Yük sığortası 🚛Malların daşınması və çatdırılması 🚛Anbar təsərrüfatı - 📌 37 Khojaly avenue, Demirchi Tower, 22nd floor Baku 📲 +994 12 404 75 96 📧 [email protected] - #logistics #transport #transportation #trucking #supplychain #shipping #freight #truck #cargo #trucks #logistica #logisticscompany #delivery #warehouse #logisticsmanagement #business #airfreight #export #seafreight #import #azerbaijan #baku #scanex #scanexaz

Aug 19

Xüsusi texnika tikinti, kənd təsərrüfatı, meşə təsərrüfatı və insan fəaliyyətinin bir çox başqa sahələrində geniş istifadə olunur. Bunlar əla texniki xüsusiyyətləri, qabaqcıl funksionallığı ilə xarakterizə olunan müasir maşınlardır. Bu cür xüsusiyyətlər qısa müddətdə işin öhdəsindən gəlməyə imkan verən yüksək səmərəlilik, məhsuldarlıq dərəcələrinə kömək edir. Avadanlıqların geniş çeşidinə baxmayaraq, ən populyar xüsusi avadanlıqların siyahısını qeyd edə bilərik: -Kran-manipulyator -Damperli yük maşını -Ekskavator -Beton nasos -Buldozer İşdə xüsusi avadanlıqdan istifadə etmək lazım olduqda, seçimə məsuliyyətlə yanaşmaq vacibdir. Əvvəlcə hədəfə diqqət yetirməlisiniz. Bundan əlavə, texniki xüsusiyyətlərin və funksionallığın siyahısı da vacibdir. - 📌 37 Khojaly avenue, Demirchi Tower, 22nd floor Baku 📲 +994 12 404 75 96 📧 [email protected]

Aug 18

Artıq sirr deyil ki, pandemiya son illərdə beynəlxalq daşımaların vəziyyətinə əsaslı təsir edir. Bununla əlaqədar olaraq, daşımaların effektivliyini artırmaq üçün beynəlxalq təcrübədə maşın yolu daşımalarında logistik pulinq (logistics pooling) daşıma metodundan istifadə edilir. Belə ki, LTL yüklənmələr zamanı müştərilər yük maşınının tam dəyərini ödəməkdənsə, logistik pulinq ilə, eyni istiqamətə göndərilməsi nəzərdə tutulan fərqli yüklər bir yük maşınına toplanır və yaxın coğrafi məkanlarda olan təyinat məntəqələrinə təhvil verilir. Logistics Pooling təchizatçılara və istehsalçılara aşağıdakı üstünlükləri təklif edir: • Daha kiçik həcmlərin daha tez-tez çatdırılmasını istəyən pərakəndə satıcıların tələblərini ödəmək bacarığı (məhsulun daha çox təzəliyi, inventar səviyyələrinin azalması və s.). • Nəqliyyat xərclərini azaltmaq imkanı. • CO2 emissiyalarını azaltmaqla ekoloji məlumatlandırma və davamlılıq. -- 📌 37 Khojaly avenue, Demirchi Tower, 22nd floor Baku 📲 +994 12 404 75 96 📧 [email protected]


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